2023 CPIP-F Case 6: Molecular Pathology – Cell-free DNA Screening for Fetal Aneuploidy - CPIP0606W.2023
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Learn the advantages and limitations of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) testing for fetal aneuploidies compared to more traditional testing methodologies of serum markers and ultrasound.

Credit Type: CME
Duration: 1 hour 15 minutes
Launch Date: June 19, 2023
Expiration Date: June 18, 2026 11:59 PM (CT)
Pricing: Junior Member Fee: $15.00
MOC Category: Medical Knowledge, Patient Care

Registration Information
THIS ACTIVITY REQUIRES CREDIT CARD PAYMENT. If you ordered this product in advance, click Learning Search to locate the activity.

To enroll in the series with one easy payment, or to enroll multiple participants from the same institution, call 800-323-4040 option 1. This option is only available until December 31, 2023, after this date this activity is only accessible by an online credit card payment.

Fetal aneuploidies are common, including trisomies for chromosomes 13, 18, and 21, with trisomy 21 (causative of Down syndrome) being the most frequent. In the setting of prenatal testing for genetic and congenital abnormalities, it is important to understand the differences between screening and diagnostic testing. An accurate understanding of the different techniques available for prenatal aneuploidy screening as well as the differences between screening and diagnostic aneuploidy testing will ensure that the best testing methodology is selected for each patient during pregnancy according to her unique needs and circumstances. This activity will provide a thorough understanding of the different fetal aneuploidy testing methodologies and performance characteristics and will enable pathologists to serve as expert consultants to their obstetrician colleagues.

This clinical pathology activity is intended for pathologists.

After completing this activity, you should be able to:

  1. State the key differences between screening tests and diagnostic tests in the setting of prenatal fetal aneuploidy testing.
  2. Describe the technology and clinical applications of cell-free DNA (cfDNA) screening for fetal aneuploidy (noninvasive prenatal screening (NIPS)).
  3. Compare and contrast NIPS with conventional first and second trimester maternal serum screening methods and invasive testing.
  4. Describe the established professional guidelines regarding options for fetal aneuploidy screening including the roles for NIPS and genetic counseling.
  5. List the clinical laboratory quality assurance and quality control for cfDNA-based NIPS tests used to detect fetal aneuploidy.

Catherine E. Cottrell, PhD, FACMG
Jonathan W. Heusel, MD, PhD, FCAP
Melissa C. Keinath, PhD
Yoshiko Mito, PhD, FACMG
Jennifer M. Yoest, MD, FCAP

Related Link
Clinical Pathology Improvement Program

CME Information
Accreditation: The College of American Pathologists (CAP) is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) to provide continuing medical education for physicians.

CME Category 1: The College of American Pathologists designates this internet enduring material educational activity for a maximum of 1.25 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™. Physicians should claim only the credit commensurate with the extent of their participation in the activity.

Payment Information
To pay with a check, print a copy of this page and send it with your check to the address below. You will be notified when your payment has been processed and you have been registered into the activity.

College of American Pathologists
CAP Learning
325 Waukegan Road
Northfield, IL 60093-2750

Refund Policy
Refunds will be handled on an exception basis. Please submit your request to the CAP in writing via email at education@cap.org or fax at 847-832-8006.

Technical Requirements
Pop-up blockers must be turned off.

The CAP recognizes that some Veteran’s Administration, US Government, and military participants may have difficulty accessing the online activity. If you experience difficulty or have any questions, please contact a representative of the Customer Contact Center at 800-323-4040 option 1 or education@cap.org.

This activity and evaluation are available June 19, 2023, and expire June 18, 2026, at 11:59 PM (CT). Upon completion of the activity your credit will be awarded. Your certificate may be downloaded from your Transcript.

CC: CPIP0606W.2023

Non-Member Price:   $78.00  
Member Price:  $60.00   

2023 CPIP-F Case 6: Molecular Pathology – Cell-free DNA Screening for Fetal Aneuploidy